VISA Tech Apps

Contacts Backup 1.3.1
Contacts Backup allows user to take a contactsbackup & also to restore the contacts.User can also send a contacts backup file as an attachment inemail.User can easily restore the contacts in device`s contacts.
Card Holder
My Card Holder is an application where you canstore your bank details.You can store all necessary information like Bank Name, IFSC,Account number etc.Along with this you can store your Debit card, Credit card,Internet banking, Mobile banking details in this app.Your Pin will be securely stored in the application & you willneed Security password to view/ edit Pin.To store Pin, Encryption & Decryption algorithms are used, sothat you can store Pin securely.How to use- Set Security password for first time. To update click on menubutton from your phone.- Click on + button to add new bank details.- Explore the menus to add details(Bank, Debit card, Credit cardetc).- Save the details using Security password.- To edit, long click on bank details in dashboard screen.- Click on bank number to call.- Add a widget for easy info access.Following are the features of My Card Holder- Stores Bank details, Credit card, Debit card, Mobile banking& Internet banking details.- No server client communication.- Pin are locally stored using Encryption & Decryptionalgorithms.- Widget provided for better access.- Dashboard list with bank details.- You can easily share your bank details like Bank name, Branch,Account number, IFSC & Account holder name.- Extra security password to access & save your pin.Want to be a Master in Android, iOs & Windows?Then visit